[ Art 24.4 ] With warrant
[ ‘urgent necessity’ Art 24.5 ] Without warrant
Art 33,
Art 52 JJL
Report arrest to competent court,
immediately to chidren court
[ Art 33 ] Report arrest to AGO
[ Art 60, Art 55 JJL bail ] Judge alone may grant bail
Art 26
Report sent to AGO containing:
Art 70 (1) (a)
Reviews police report, frames charge if sufficient evidence
(prima facie), presents charge to competent court, requests
court to fix date for trial
[ Art 72, Art 70 (1), (2) and notify court per Art 76 ] Close the case
[ Art 77 ] Court closes case
Art 75 (d),
and Law of Organisation
of Judiciary (LOJ at 17(2)
Appoint defence lawyer in most serious cases
[ Art 115 ] Prosecution CaseIf insufficient evidence presented by prosecution, case is terminated.
[ Art 116 ] Defence case
[ Art 119 ] Summations
[ Art 120 (1) ] Deliberation and Judgment immediately or ‘as soon as possible’
[ Art 120 (3) ] If applicable, read out verdict & sentence in open court in presence of accused and prosecutor
[ Art 14 LOJ and Art 227 (3) CrPC ] Fact or law
[ Art 17 JJL ] Children Appellate Section of the Appeal Court
[ Art 232 (2) (a-d) ] On questions of law going to:
[ Somaliland Constitution Art 27.2 ] With warrant: first production at court within 48 hours
[ Art 39 (1), Art 53 JJL ] Without warrant: confirmation of arrest by judge within 8 days
Art 47
DC: Within 15 days
Extendable by 15 days, max 30 days
Art 47
General Section
RC: Within 45 daysof arrest
Extendable by 45 days, max 90 days
Art 47
Assize Section
For most serious offences,
ie, sentences of:
[ Art 47 ] Extendable by 60 days, max 120 days
[ Art 214 ] Within 30 days
[ Art 15 (1) ] Law on Organisation of the Judiciary