Fursadaha Maalgashiga Caddaaladda

Recruit and train women into senior management positions in prisons Establish prison / health partnership with Ministry of Health Recruit additional technical training staff to work in the prisons Expand in-prison vocational & rehabilitation programs including mechanics (police/prison vehicles), carpentry (schools & health clinics), and horticulture / farming. Partner with external agencies to provide prisoners with educational services. Build Custodial Corps Headquarters. Build Prison training centre in Mandhera Ensure prison buildings/structures are secure and cells adequately ventilated (including fans where the temperature requires) and lit. Stabilise electrical power or install back-up generators in each prison Invest in adequate hygiene & sanitation (kitchens and washing / toilet areas) and stabilise water supply. Establish and equip workshops in prisons (mechanics, carpentry, tailoring etc). Develop horticulture in prisons with agricultural land. Ensure prison accommodation is suitable and available to disabled prisoners. Provide space adequate for visitors to meet with prisoners. Adequate provision of basic health equipment (PPE, refrigerator, surgical, sterilisation, examination beds) and medical supplies (basic medicines for common illnesses/disease) in prisons. Procure key vehicles (truck for ration, ambulance, mobile prison van and pick-ups). Procure adequate office equipment (including computers and printers), furnishings & stationery (including admission, property & other registers, colour codes files and filing cabinets) in all prisons. Provide prisoners with adequate bedding in line with local custom and ambient temperature. Review & upgrade kitchen cooking facilities. Equip women and men prison staff with uniforms (two pairs each). Authorise accredited paralegals to provide advice and assistance to sentenced prisoners on appeal and to remand prisoners to link them to a lawyer / their families / the courts. Train Custodial Corps leadership and senior staff (prison management, case management & risk assessment) Conduct full Training Needs Assessment (TNA) in line with international standards on good prison management and corrections practise and develop standardised in-service training courses (all ranks). Develop educational and vocational training programmes for prisoners. Establish complaints mechanism for prisoners (and provide prisons with complaints registers). Allocate specific funding to SLNHRC to maintain annual inspection visits to all places of detention. Develop vehicle fleet management policy Ensure adequate separation of prisoners: remand from sentenced; men from women; and adult men from young persons. Establish internal prison oversight mechanism to audit prison management and treatment of prisoners. Strengthen supply systems to ensure prison facilities have adequate material resources. Recruit women judges Improve security of judges at work and at home. Provide security passes for judicial facilities for authorised personnel Set up a research & data centre in the HJC Strengthen the capacity of mobile courts to reach outlying areas. Establish information / advice centres at court. Construct / renovate courts (access to disabled, witness and interview rooms, prosecution and defence rooms, administrative offices and public toilets). Build new courts in remote districts. Pilot child courts Adapt courts to provide safe access and space for vulnerable witnesses / victims Provide secure evidence rooms in DC and RCs Engineer public access to water and toilets at court buildings. Stabilise electrical power or install back up (generator) in all DCs. Construct Hargeisa Court of Appeal Construct & equip Judicial Training Institute Install security equipment at courts and judges' homes Install internet all courts Procure adequate office equipment (computers, printers, p/copiers, toner (+ maintenance contracts), fans, secure filing cabinets + stationery including court registers) Establish court website with court judgments, SC directives & circulars, cause listing and warning of witnesses and parties Procure vehicles for transporting court officers, operation of Mobile Courts, SC inspection of lower courts etc Provide all RC and DC with access to key laws & procedures. Procure fans for all court rooms & offices as local temperature requires. Institute court appointed lawyers / legal assistance where the interests of justice require Develop non-custodial (community-centred) sanctions for minor offences and young offenders Expand use of restorative justice, alternative & traditional dispute resolution (TDR) mechanisms where they are in the interests of justice. Develop National Backlog Reduction Strategy (NBRS) and implement all courts Support Training and Capacity Building Unit of the SC to conduct comprehensive training needs assessment (TNA) for judicial officers & administrative personnel Refresher courses to judges in child justice (with particular focus on diversion) Refresher courses to judges on sentencing practice and principles Review functional and organisational structure of the judiciary Approve grievance & disciplinary policy & procedures for judges Establish office of internal audit all judicial institutions Strengthen SC inspection mechanism Approve recruitment, placement & retention policy for judges & prosecutors Invest in regular meetings of justice practitioners at district level (judiciary, police, custodial corps, AGO, legal service providers, elders) to coordinate local justice services Develop operational guidelines for Mobile Courts based on regional and international good practices to ensure they prioritise access to justice for marginalised groups. Recruit and train women police. Recruit and train police investigators. Build new police stations in capital (Hargeisa), coastal / border, and eastern regions. Build armoury stores in police regional divisional centres Provide safe spaces at DCPs for vulnerable groups (gender desks / separate rooms / buildings) Engineer public access to water & toilets at DCPs Refurbish RDCs and DCPs nationally (and reinforce perimeter fencing) Stabilise electrical power or install back up (generator) at RDC and DCPs Refurbish holding cells in DCPs in line with international standards Install evidence storage capacity in DCPs. Equip with vehicles (RDCs, crime scene investigation) and motor cycles (traffic police) & adequate fuel / maintenance. Equip women and men police with uniforms (two pairs each). Provide access to forensic laboratory services and adequate provision of evidence packaging supplies Equip police with radios and modern communications (including internet). Stock police DCPs with stationery, forms, registers etc Stock police with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Equip CID / police with secure filing cabinets. Institute joint police / AGO case preparation Establish legal advice / assistance for detainees at police Develop arrest / diversion policy & guidelines. Equip and develop capacity among trainers in the Police Academy Standardise in-service training courses (all ranks) including community policing, video surveillance etc (Continuous) training on crime investigation Training on diversion options (in line with policy) Establish public complaints mechanism Establish internal police oversight mechanism Develop police code of conduct Invest in community-police liaison Develop vehicle fleet management policy. Strengthen supply systems to ensure DCPs have adequate material resources. Recruit women DAGs / prosecutors Improve security of DAGs and prosecutors at work and at home. Provide security passes for judicial facilities for authorised personnel Construct and renovate AG offices AG offices equipped and furnished (including with internet). Procure vehicles for DAGs / prosecutors to attend police. Develop diversion policy & guidelines in line with the JJL. Institute joint police / AGO case preparation Conduct Training Needs Assessment for AGO (including joint training with police investigators) Train prosecutors in child justice (with particular focus on diversion) Approve grievance & disciplinary policy & procedures for prosecutors Recruit and train Public Defenders Establish paralegal advisory services at police. Establish paralegal advisory services at court. Establish paralegal advisory services in prison in support of unrepresented remand prisoners. Establish paralegal advisory services in prison in support of unrepresented sentenced prisoners on appeal. Create space at court for PDs / defence lawyers Provide office space for PDs. Procure adequate office equipment for PDs (computers / printers, p/copiers, toner + maintenance contracts, fans, secure filing cabinets + stationery). Procure vehicles for transporting PDs (including attending at Mobile Courts). Procure motor cycles for paralegals Appoint PDs / lawyers in serious cases where the interests of justice require and child justice cases. Conduct comprehensive training needs assessment (TNA) for Public Defenders. Develop national legal awareness campaign (laws, rights, legal aid services) using appropriate messaging platforms. Develop accredited paralegal training course / diploma, drawing on existing good practice Establish a national Bar Association of Somaliland as a single regulatory body. Visualise, publish and distribute to all police stations, prisons and courts the Legal Aid Policy 2013 Establish Public / Private Partnerships between MoJ & legal service NGOs to enhance coverage and outreach. Survey public awareness of laws, rights & legal aid services at regular intervals. Establish data / statistics unit (in each institution at district & regional levels) Conduct periodic reviews of terms and conditions of service including promotion paths (all institutions and ranks). Establish SLNHRC regional offices (outside M-J) Build SLNHRC HQ, Hargeisa Build 3 MoJ regional offices: Hargeisa, Borama and Berbera. Build second floor to MoJ HQ, Hargeisa. Equip & furnish each data / statistics unit with office equipment (computers, printers, p/copiers, toner (+ maintenance contracts), fans, secure filing cabinets + stationery). Equip & furnish SLNHRC HQ offices. Equip & furnish MoJ regional offices in Hargeisa, Boroma and Berbera and to offices in HQ, Hargeisa. Establish Court User / Case Coordination Committees at national, regional and district level (including: statutory & informal justice providers). Institute case management information systems (CMIS) across all institutions (police, courts, AGO, PD and prisons). Document nature and outcome of cases referred by police, AGO, PD and Courts to TDR for settlement. Train data / statistic unit members in each institution. Train police, prosecutors, judicial administrative staff and custodial corps on CMIS Train judges, prosecutors, defence lawyers, police and custorial corps in special Mobile Court procedures. Train customary elders on referral mechanisms for serious crimes, SGBV and child justice. Institute continuous legal education (annually) to judiciary, AGO, PD and lawyers in practise. Train paralegals in first legal aid services in police, courts and prison. Develop guidelines for cases to be referred to TDR by police, AGO and courts. Develop guidelines for cases to be referred to police and courts by elders / TDR mechanisms. Publish annual reports available to the public of findings of institutional oversight mechanisms.
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  •   Human Resource Investment
  •   Built Infrastructure Investment
  •   Material Resource Investment
  •   Case Processing Policy Reform Assistance
  •   Training Program Development
  •   Establishment of Governance & Oversight Protocol